12 Natural Ways to Increase Your Energy Levels
How to Stop Feeling Tired. It’s Possible.
The question “Why am I always tired and have no energy?”, went from being something I asked myself once a month to something that started defining my daily existence. Every night I would go to sleep not knowing the kind of mental or physical state I could expect the next morning.
To keep my spirits up, I started thinking of it as a game of Russian Roulette. Funny.
Well, joke’s on me because I didn’t even have the energy to laugh long. This went on for the greater part of the last decade. That’s a lot of time to have lost on productivity, happiness, relationships, the list goes on.
I managed to turn things around this year. I have two jobs that I love, make time for my parents, my hobbies, friends, and even extended family members. I wake up excited for the day and go to bed at night feeling fulfilled.
What’s crazy is that the solutions had been staring me in the face for years — I just went on ignoring them or trying them out partially — never really making any of them stick for longer than a week.
Now, at Masterlife, our modus operandi is to take on problems that are affecting the happiness of millions around the world, figure out comprehensive solutions, and break down the solutions into easier-to-consume modules. The whole trick is to form habits in a way that they stick with us through thick and thin.
In fact, it’s our course on Activating Higher Energy Levels Within You that inspired me to write this. That just happened to me at a time in life when I really needed it.

Now, should you have to work through a decade of exhaustion and brain fog to figure out what works like I did? That wouldn’t be a smart way to go.
So, let me take you through some ways to turn your life around forever.
When you’re done, you can always check out our vast array of courses across all the important areas of life and help yourself become the absolute best version of you, one self-paced module at a time. For now — carry on reading, fellow human.
This one is the most obvious. We all know we need to sleep more and sleep better. Sure.
But, how did you sleep last night? If your answer is “not much and not too well”. That’s not a good sign. And that’s okay. We can fix that.
Sleep is something that easily gets put on the back burner when you’re busy. From pushing back bedtime to meet a deadline to missing out on a few hours of sleep due to shifts at work, many people cut back on hours that should be spent in bed.
Here’s what you need to do: Make a routine and stick to it come hell or high water. You can go through Masterlife’s course on Sleeping Better — it’s helped thousands of people already — but here are some of my all-time favourites:
- Take a lukewarm bath, read a book, set 7 alarms to get into bed earlier if you have to.
- Put your screens away. No phone, no laptop. Buy an old-timey alarm clock. They’re cute.
- Had a rubbish day? Meditate in bed half an hour before bedtime.
- NO CAFFEINE post 4pm if your bedtime is 11pm.
- Increase bright light exposure during the day. The science is explained better in the course.
- Optimize your bedroom’s environment and temperature.
It’s a fact that we are more productive when we are emotionally and mentally in the right frame of mind.
As Nietzsche says “He who has a Why to live can bear almost any How”.
How in touch are we with how we’re feeling? We tend to push our emotional realities under the rug when focusing on the delivery of work but in the long run, it’s making us more and more unproductive. This zaps our energy and we in turn become even more unproductive.
Break out of this cycle. Set up an appointment with a therapist TODAY. Therapists can provide us with a safe, non-judgmental space to talk about trials and tribulations and this, studies have now proven, provides far-reaching effects in boosting our potential to deliver.
If you’re unsure for now, check out our course on Improving Your Mental Health with Anna Chandy. It’s a great starting step.
This might not seem to be an available option for many of us who have taken on too many responsibilities — perhaps as partners, parents, or dedicated career people.
However, if we don’t find a decent strategy to redistribute some of these responsibilities, it will most definitely lead to burnout and a constant sense of fatigue in our day-to-day lives. Which misses the whole point by a mile.
- Firstly, set boundaries. You are not the answer to everyone’s problems. Help all you can but remember to set expectations that give you breathing space.
- Next, trade money for time. Invest in people and services that allow you to stop worrying about some of the chores you dislike. This way, you are not expending energy dealing with the mental and physical overload.
Am I asking you to buy or barter yourself out of an unpleasant experience? Yes.
Especially considering we’re living amidst a global pandemic it’s important we learn how to Overcome Work-From-Home Stress.
Stop spreading yourself too thin. That goes nowhere good and makes nobody happy in the long run.
04: SING!
Seriously. Belting out your favourite tunes is the kind of age-old activity that gives you an emotional high while reducing the levels of stress hormones in your body.
Grab a hairbrush, put on your favourite song, and sing away.
If you’re self-conscious, do it in the shower. If you’re self-aware about being tone-deaf, do everyone a favour and save it for car rides — but make sure you sing.
This may seem counterintuitive. I’m tired. Why should I do something I clearly don’t feel up to doing in the first place? Fair enough.
Luckily, you don’t need to take part in killer workouts to experience energy boosts. In fact, one study found that sedentary people with persistent, unexplained fatigue decreased their tiredness by around 65% just by regularly participating in low-intensity cycling.
To incorporate exercise into your day, you could try getting away from your desk and going for a walk on your lunch break or walking to and from your place of work.
Apologies on stating what every other person is already talking about but this actually works!
I spent years upon years in denial. Meditation and Yoga seemed like social media excuses to post more selfies with. Boy, was I wrong.
I (begrudgingly) gave Yoga a try. Nothing fancy. Basic stretches. Basic breathing. Simple stuff. I told myself it wasn’t going to work. But I stuck with it. Forty minutes every day for 10 days. I stopped wheezing while climbing stairs. I stopped sneezing every time a breeze wafted lazily by. I could digest my food better. I could sit down without my knee jointing making those weird cracking sounds.
So, I did some research. One study from last year found that people who practice meditation and yoga often have better immune systems and develop resilience in the face of stress and anxiety.
Meanwhile, Masterlife did an easy-to-follow course on Getting Yoga Fit in 30 Days. Samrat (the expert) had an undeniable story that turned me into a true believer of yoga’s benefits.
I meditate and do yoga twice a week now. And I’m not exaggerating when I say that it probably saved my life. It checked the downward spiral of low energy. And for that, I shall be forever grateful.
Coffee is rich in caffeine, which can quickly pass from your bloodstream into your brain and inhibit the activity of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that quiets the central nervous system.
As a result, the production of epinephrine — a hormone that stimulates the body and brain — increases. It also helps improve concentration and renders our brains more alert and receptive.
Science aside, coffee tastes awesome. Just remember to AVOID ADDED SUGAR. Sugar can give you an energy boost, but it will wear off quickly.
Sugar rushes might feel great — but sugar crashes are certainly not worth it.
Green tea is famous for its long list of health benefits.
- High concentration of powerful antioxidants that prevent oxidative stress and inflammation.
- Contains caffeine, which increases energy levels. BUT — also contains a compound called L-theanine which moderates the effects of caffeine.
- Decreases fatigue by increasing the breakdown of fat and release of the hormone norepinephrine.
- Great for menstrual cramps, managing hormone levels, boosts weight loss.
Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale are excellent sources of nutrients that promote energy.
They’re high in iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K. Additionally, they’re packed with folic acid, fibre, and antioxidants.
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency. Leafy green vegetables are excellent sources of iron to replenish your body’s stores, as well as vitamin C to enhance the absorption of iron in your body.
Furthermore, leafy green vegetables may enhance the formation of nitric oxide, which helps your blood vessels widen for better blood flow throughout your body.
Three litres of water a day. Divide that by how much water your favourite bottle can hold. That’s the number of bottles you need to drink in a day.
Set reminders for starting and finishing each bottle. Just do it.
Trust me. And almost every doctor in the world.
This one’s a biggie.
There are things that work great for most people. Like drinking coconut water. It’s an incredible digestion boost, drastically reduces hair fall, gives people glowing skin.
But maybe, just maybe — it doesn’t work for you. Stop making yourself eat foods that you intuitively know aren’t working for you.
Keep listening to your body. Continually.
Maybe your medical tests have been inconclusive but you get headaches every time you eat gluten. Stop eating gluten. Find alternatives. Yes, you love pizza but every evening after a pizza party you find yourself in a little pain. The pain has been increasing over the years but it’s nothing “you can’t handle”. Stop doing this to yourself. It’s not worth it.
Sarah’s course on Mastering the Art of Mindful Eating really dives into eating what is right for your body.
Listen. To your body.
One of our main sources of energy is, of course, the food we eat. So, if we want to keep our energy levels up, we must integrate the most nutritious foods in our diets. The energy is measured in calories.
If we don’t consume enough calories our bodies may feel tired, as they don’t have enough “fuel” to run on. At the same time, however, if we get too many calories, there’s a system overload, and we may end up feeling sluggish.
So, in order to feel fresh and ready for action, we must learn to maintain a balance in terms of our calorie intake.
I’ve taken the liberty of listing out the foods that changed my life and can definitely change yours.
- Bananas: Studies show they are as effective as energy drinks. Potassium, Vitamin B6, Fibre, and just enough carbs to give you the natural energy boost you are looking for. For most people 1–3 bananas is the recommended amount.
- Lean Proteins: Leaner meats like chicken and turkey provide quality protein and less saturated fat. Or choose a fatty fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon or tuna.
- Nuts & Seeds: Almonds, Walnuts, and Cashews are packed with proteins, carbs, and healthy fats. These nutrients provide a slow release of energy. Seeds, such as chia seeds, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds also work wonders. Next time you’re tired. Eat a handful.
- Eggs: Packed with protein, they provide a steady source of energy. Moreover, they will not spike your blood sugar. They also have Leucine an amino acid known to stimulate energy production.
- Apples: They keep the doctor away and also provide high level energy boosts. Just make sure you’re eating them whole. Juice and purees are not as effective.
- Brown Rice: Compared with white rice, it’s less processed and retains more nutritional value in the form of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Also has a low glycemic index which helps regulate blood sugar levels and promote steady energy levels throughout the day.
- Dark Chocolate: It has higher cocoa content than regular or milk chocolate. The antioxidants in cocoa have been shown to have many health benefits, such as increasing blood flow.
- Yoghurt: The carbs in yogurt are mainly in the form of simple sugars, such as lactose and galactose. When broken down, these sugars can provide ready-to-use energy. Additionally, yogurt is packed with protein, which helps slow the digestion of carbs, thereby slowing the release of sugars into the blood.
- Lentils: Aside from being a great and inexpensive source of protein, lentils are a good source of nutrients and help boost energy levels. Lentils are legumes that are rich in carbs and fibre. Additionally, lentils can increase your energy levels by replenishing your stores of folate, manganese, zinc, and iron.
Try these out. Keep adding them by twos and threes to your daily lifestyle.
Life is short. Let’s make it an awesome one.