5 Important Tips on How to Work From Home
The New Normal Made Easier.
We’re being advised to get used to a ‘new normal’ as a way to deal with the pandemic. We know that a vaccine is incoming but aren’t clear about the timelines of our being vaccinated. We want to go back to the old life but it’s been way too long since then and we are exhausted in every way.
Let’s face it. We are living in unprecedented times. We are managing our careers, our families, our daily household tasks — all from the same place: HOME.
None of it has been easy and we are true warriors for making it this far.
A big point of struggle while being cooped up at home was around managing everything without having any clear demarcations on where the personal ended and where the professional began.
This piece is to help identify the right framework to thrive while working from home in the new normal.
Let’s first acknowledge the positives:
- Work from Anywhere in the World
- Get Jobs from Anywhere in the World
- More Time with Your Family
- No More Traffic Jams to be Dealt With
Most people are surprised by the stress they feel once the novelty of working from home wears off and the stress of its challenges becomes more apparent. The negatives are many, some of which are:
- Blurred Lines Between the Personal and Professional
- Drops in Productivity
- More Distractions
- Way More Screen Time
- Less Bonding with Colleagues/Social Isolation
Now that you know you are not alone in facing these stressors and just how commonly they can occur, hopefully you feel less isolated in what you face. You may also feel more energized in tackling these challenges head-on and minimizing some of the stress that comes with them.
CEO, Growth Hacker, and Author Anirudh Narayan has a simple framework which when followed, can ease the physical, emotional, and mental burdens that we’ve been carrying since March 2020.
Additionally, with a change in mindset and approach, a few simple daily habits, and practical tools — we can absolutely crush working from home!
What can really help is if you start your day as if you were actually heading out to work. Wake up early, take a shower, wear some nice clothes (no, not your PJs), and head over to an organized work-space that you’ve set aside for yourself.
Never work from your bed because you want our brain to completely dissociate working from relaxing.
Add some plants to the aesthetic. This can work wonders.
Plan your day in a way that ensures maximum productivity. Arrange for work calls to be between 9:30am to 11:30am. Immerse yourself in deep work from 11am to 4pm (remember to eat a light lunch on time), and have the remaining work calls from 4pm to 6pm.
Remember, minimize calls as much as you can.
The zoom calls of the pandemic normal, while efficient, also cause dissonance between the mind and the body. Your mind tries to believe that you are speaking in person while your bodies are not in the same location. This can be draining.
You may be the Captain in charge of the platoon that is your family and pets. Make sure that all the tasks are delegated and that each person is accountable every day for their share of the housework.
No, it is not the woman’s job to take care of the kids, kitchen, laundry, and groceries. It’s 2020. Let’s leave the stereotypes in history where they belong.
If you have kids, make a list of chores for them that they need to follow. This is great for character building. Everyone needs to contribute to the household.
Talk to your friends. Plan game nights once a week. Catch up on what’s going on within your comfort circle. Add fun to your life. Movie nights, date nights — whatever works. Compartmentalize fun for at least the weekends. You need to take breaks. All work, no play, and all that jazz.
Amidst all this, remember to carve out time for yourself. Self-care is of utmost importance.
When you take care of yourself, you are equipping yourself both physically and emotionally to take care of other people.
Remember, you can bring out the best you when you are at peace on the inside. Take a hot shower. Listen to your favourite music. Read a book. Write in your journal. You know what’s best for you — so go do it.
Put it on your calendar if you have to.
On priority.
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